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Sharing is crucial in progressing and deepening one's understanding. It benefits both the one that's receiving and the one that's giving. When you learn something that will benefit those around you, it needs to be shared and transformed into action and results in order for it to create joy. It makes no sense to learn to make violins if you then don't go out and make violins for musicians.


"Don't die with your music still in you"

Dr Wayne W. Dyer


For many years I've been sharing all around the world my findings and understandings of health and life skills. Many ancient cultures have incredibly deep insights that can greatly benefit us in these challenging times. It's important that these nuggets of ancient wisdom circulate more. Our communities, our world need the fruits of this wisdom.


More sharing from me is on the way very soon... 





Cardiff Meet-ups


Holistic health talks
coming soon !!!


Send me a message below if you're interested (Please mention "Cardiff Meetups" in your message).

When I have an idea of how many are interested we'll find the right venue and let you know. (Spaces may be limited in the beginning).


See you soon




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